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Woman Practicing Karate

Authentic Korean & Chinese Marital Arts
Tang Soo Do

Tang Soo Do is both a hard and soft art. The founder of Tang Soo Do, Grandmaster Hwang Kee, was a martial arts prodigy, having mastered Tae Kyun (another Korean system not related to Tae Kwon Do) at the age of 22. At that time (1936), he traveled to Northern China where he encountered a Chinese version of martial arts. From 1936
to 1945 he combined Eastern wisdom and developed what is now known as Tang Soo Do.

Tang Soo Do is not a sport. Though it is not essentially competitive, it has great combat applications. As a classical martial art, its purpose is to develop every aspect of the self, in order to create a mature person who totally integrates his/her intellect, body, emotions, and spirit. This integration helps to create a person who is free form inner
conflict and who can deal with the outside world in a mature, intelligent, forthright, and virtuous manner.

Authentic Chinese Marital Arts
Chen Tai Chi - Chi Gung

Chen Wang Ting began to study and reflect upon his many years of combative experience - already an excellent Martial Artist and knew the 32 postures of another general named Qi Jiguang He was famous for his defensive maneuvers and set forth 32 postures recorded in the well-known "Canon of Boxing".

These postures and movements also brought Chen Wang Ting much accomplishment in combat. These 32 postures were re-studied by Chen Wang Ting and incorporated with the philosophy of Tao Teh Ching. He believed that this enhanced and produced a more effective combative application. He also used the ancient Dao Yin exercises and Tuns exercises along with the theory of chi flow through the body. This series of sophisticated movements and unique synthesis became the birth of all Tai Chi styles.

Many people learned of this method and came to Chen Village to learn. At first, the Chen family did not share their knowledge with people on the outside, but eventually taught to promote their beliefs. This progression evolved into new styles of Tai Chi such as: Yang, Wu, Sun and eventually the labeling of the "Original Family Chen Style Tai Chi". The Chen family name, as well as, the Township of Chen became very famous. The Emperor of China bestowed many honors upon the Chen family for their great fighting skills.

Chen style Tai Chi has a large arsenal of technique, strategy and application when it is practiced in the correct way. The postures of Tai Chi are bound by the rule of the movement, which allows movement as a continuous action upon reaction and reaction upon action.

There is no great secret to Tai Chi. One must understand that it is a method that gradually changes the body into a complete working unit.

Chen Style Tai Chi combines many principles of movement along with the cultivation or movement of Chi. Chen Style uses hard, soft, fast and slow movements to create a motion of offensive, as well as, defensive techniques. This is achieved while providing a method of promoting good health, preventing sickness and reducing stress which provides greater potential for quietness.

Boxing Gloves

Boxing - Kickboxing Training
Fitness Conditioning

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Kido is a form of Self Protection developed by Master Neal. Its purpose is to increase your level of well-being while lowering your levels of stress and anxiety - improving cardio vascular health, flexibility, coordination, balance and strength. After the student has learned and profected the techinques it can be used to protect yourself aganist an attacker.



Phase 1. You will master the basic principles of Kido, this will prepare you to use your body in the martial way. Stances, kicks, punches, rhythm, Kido foot work, timing, hand and foot combinations.  Students must complete phase 1 before moving on to phase 2.



Phase 2. Builds on your training from phase 1.  You will learn “Kido Form One” a preset group of movements developed to strengthen your connection of mind and body. Free style Kido is practiced to music at a moderate pace which is 100 - 124 bpm. Partner practice is introduced, and principles of partner training are studied. Advance cardio training begins at this level with power stretching.



Phase 3.  Is the highest level of “fitness Kido practice” training is done by timed rounds and rest periods. This includes all methods of training, free style rhythm, heavy bag, partner training and rope. Phase 1 and 2 should be successfully completed before moving to this level, with only 1 month break between phases.

Judo Lesson

Traditional Karate

Punch With Style

Boxing Fitness Training

Image by Jesse van Vliet

Kick-boxing Fitness


Newbody Training System LLC.

474 Prospect Ave West Orange New Jersey 07052

Main Number: 908.206.0077

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